Digital Finance

Chaire Finance Digitale Telecom Paris Tech, Institut Louis Bachelier, Université Paris 2, Cartes Bancaires CB, La Banque Postale
France FINTECH, ACPR Banque de France Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (

General Equilibrium Cryptocurrency Pricing in an OLG Model (with Bertrand Crettez), Mathematical Social Sciences, 117, p.13-22, 2022 (lien)


Blockchain and cryptocurrencies technologies and network structures: applications, implications and beyond (lien)

On the existence of pairwise stable weighted networks (with Philippe Bich), Mathematics of Operations Research, 2020 (lien)

Optimisation, Programmation dynamique

Mémoire de DEA (1998) sous la direction de Claude Lemaréchal au Centre de Recherche EDF-Clamart sur l'Optimisation non-différentiable: test de la méthode de faisceaux désagrégée

On history-dependent optimization models: a unified framework to analyze models with habits, satiation and optimal growth (with Aysegul Yildiz-Ulus), 2022, Journal of Mathematical Economics (lien), en révision

On temporal aggregators and dynamic programming (with Philippe Bich and Jean-Pierre Drugeon), Economic Theory, 2018 (link)

Optimal growth models with bounded or unbounded returns: a unifying approach (with Cuong Le Van), Journal of Economic Theory, 2002 (link)

Monotone concave operators: an application to the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Bellman equation (with Cuong Le Van and Yannis Vailakis), working paper, 2008 (link)

On optimal growth models when the discount factor is near one or equal to one (with Cuong Le Van), International Journal of Economic Theory, 2006 (link)

Equilibre général, Croissance optimale

Existence of competitive equilibrium in a non-optimal one-sector economy without conditions on the distorted marginal product of capital (with Bertrand Crettez), Mathematical Social Sciences, 2012 (link)

The discrete time version of the Romer model (with Cuong Le Van and Charles-Henri Dimaria), Economic Theory, 2002 (link)

Optimal growth with investment enhancing labor (with Bertrand Crettez and Naila Hayek),  Mathematical Social Sciences, 2017 (link)

Growth and insecure private property of capital (with Bertrand Crettez and Naila Hayek), Dynamic Games and Applications, 2019 (link)

Communauté mathématique

Promouvoir les femmes dans les sciences et en mathématiques, compte-rendu de la table ronde IHES 4 octobre 2021, La Gazette de la Société Mathématique de France, 173, Juillet 2022 (link)

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